Your registration to our Modern Mastery Online PD course includes access to ALL of our course content for 24 months. This includes:
- Student Centered Instruction
- Neuroscience & Student Engagement
- Gamification & Game-Based Learning
- Enhancing Teaching & Learning With Technology
- ...and more.
The Modern Mastery certification program is specifically built to empower educators with cutting edge pedagogy and best practices that promise to transform their classrooms. Each course module is packed with practical and actionable strategies that are sure to make an immediate and significant impact on student learning. The theories and strategies discussed across course modules complement each other, and together, provide a comprehensive modern upgrade to your repertoire of practices and understandings.
The Modern Mastery program and coursework is designed to empower all levels of educators and school leaders, including:
- K-12 teachers across all disciplines
- K-12 administrators and school leaders
- Curriculum specialists
- Special educators
- College course instructors
With the advent of fMRI scans, we have literally been able to see through students' skulls and into their brains as they engage in learning tasks. The first portion of your Modern Mastery online PD course experience will explore cutting edge neuroscience research as it pertains to student engagement, motivation, and learning. (This is, perhaps, the most important body of work that current day teacher preparation programs are still failing to provide new teachers!)
Here's what you can expect from this portion of the course:
- A brief overview of modern neuroscience, and what it means for modern teaching and learning
- An exploration of various parts of the brain, corresponding functions, and classroom strategies
- The Reticular Activating System (RAS) and attention
- The amygdala and attention, focus, and learning
- The lower brain's role in human survival, and how to address it in the classroom
- The hippocampus, memory, and learning
- The pre-frontal cortex and higher order thinking
- Executive function -- what it is, why it's incredibly important, and how to foster it in children of all ages
- Brain myths -- popular misconceptions about learning and the brain, debunked
- ...and more!
If you want to increase student engagement in your classroom... If you want your students to pay better attention... If you want to increase students' retention of content, and to deepen complex understandings... If you want a more proactive approach to classroom management... If you want to better understand the neuroscience of teaching, learning, and student engagement — rather than the same theories we’ve been guessing at since the 1800s... THIS is exactly what you’ve been searching for.
Games are incredibly powerful motivators, and a growing body of research has shown that they can play a significant role in heightening student engagement, creating longer lasting understandings, and even fostering critical thinking. This portion of the course explores both gamification and game-based learning as means for incentivizing students, for increasing engagement, and for deepening their learning.
Here’s what you can expect from this portion of the course:
- Understanding the important distinction between gamification and game-based learning
- A walkthrough of research relevant to gamification and motivation
- Practical strategies for utilizing gamification to incentivize student behavior
- Unpacking the principles of game-based learning and exploring practical classroom applications
- Leveraging elements of problem-based learning and inquiry via game-based instruction
- and more...
If you've ever felt like your students aren’t motivated to put forth their best efforts in your class... If you want your students to have more fun engaging with the content in your curriculum... If you want to be able to incentivize students to participate or excel in your class... If you want your students to engage in higher levels of critical thinking and open-ended inquiry in fun and compelling ways... THIS is exactly what you've been after.
This segment of the course provides an in-depth exploration of tried and true student centered instructional strategies, all closely aligned with modern research on teaching and learning. Whether you're searching for new practices to engage your students, to achieve the highest levels on your teacher evaluation rubric, or to simply evolve your craft, this portion of the course represents a shift into 21st century instructional design for veterans and rookies alike.
Here's what you can expect from this portion of the course:
- Gaining a deeper understanding of what "student centered learning" really means
- Exploring the research literature on student centered instruction
- A battery of practical, tried and true student-centered strategies pertinent to:
- Your planning and preparation practices
- Fostering a rich classroom environment and culture for learning
- Instruction -- the actual activities that you ask your students to engage in!
- Elements of professional practices, such as communicating with families
- The tools and know-how to effectively TRANSFORM your classroom with student-centered learning
- and more...
If you've ever felt like you've hit a ceiling with regard to how much your students are retaining, understanding, and learning... If you've ever felt like your students aren’t deeply invested in what happens in my classroom — the content, the routines, and the classroom practices... If you've ever felt like you've been exhausting yourself to teach your students everything they need to know... THIS is just what you need.
This is the quintessential "ed tech" segment of our course. You'll begin with an overview of what effective ed tech implementation looks like (e.g. purposeful and practical integration of digital tools), as well as a review of common ed tech frameworks, such as the SAMR and TPACK models. Then, you'll delve into the nitty gritty of specific digital tools that meet the needs of your classroom, your teaching style, and your students. Perfect for both 1:1 and BYO learning environments.
Here’s what you can expect from this course:
- A framework for effectively integrating technology in the classroom
- A review of the SAMR model, and its application in schools
- A review of the TPACK model, and how it interacts with SAMR
- An extensive review of digital tools, including:
- How each digital tool works
- How each digital can be appropriated to meet different needs
- Practical strategies for implementation
- A continuously updated series of digital tool suggestions and resources, for both beginner and advanced users
- and more...
If you feel like you can’t keep up with all of the changes, new digital tools, and best practices... If you want to expand your repertoire of digital tools, but don’t know where to start... If you need a practical way to integrate technology into your classroom, and not just technology for technology’s sake... If you want to be at the cutting edge of educational technology, but just aren't there yet... look no further. THIS is it.
Upon completion of the Modern Mastery program, you will receive a certificate documenting completion, logging professional development hours, and celebrating your new expertise. Upon completing the Modern Mastery program, you will also earn a badge that showcases your mastery, which can be proudly added to your email signatures.
If your school is paying with a PO, click here to save your seat and request a quote!