Student Centered Instruction
- Purpose
- Description
- Syllabus
During this course, we will:
- Define “student centered learning”
- Review current research on student centered instruction
- View and compare lessons (in VR)
- Utilizing modern evaluation frameworks to organize our exploration of student centered learning across all elements of teaching and learning:
- Planning and Preparation
- Classroom Environment
- Instruction
- Professional Responsibilities
- Planning & Preparation: Practices and strategies
- Classroom Environment: Practices and strategies
- Instruction: Practices and strategies
- Professional Responsibilities: Practices and strategies
- Authentic task: view this lesson, and act as an instructional coach. Target student centered learning practices. What do you tell the teacher? What recommendations do you make? Etc. (There could be a template that’s filled out to do this activity, and completed exemplar of this to view as well.)
- Authentic task, domain 3 / INSTRUCTION: Find an old teacher centered lesson plan, and transform it into something student centered. Include a before and after.
- Authentic task: Domains 1, 2, or 4: Select a student centered practice or routine that isn’t already in place, and develop it in a manner that’s customized for your classroom. If you want a trampoline for this activity, find three customizable templates attached … (1) Communicating with parents, emails activity; (2) … (3) … (Do these belong here, or should this culminate with “Student Centered Learning Toolkit.”