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Types of Assessment: Expand Your Repertoire
Types of Assessment Teachers are often wondering what the different “types of assessment” are -- but, the truth is, this[...]
Ten Formative and Summative Assessment Examples to Inspire You
Practical Formative and Summative Assessment Examples to Inspire Your Practice At this point, you’ve likely straightened out your understanding of[...]
Formative vs Summative Assessment: What’s the Difference?
Formative vs Summative Assessment: What’s the Difference? Formative and summative assessment are two of the cornerstones of effective instruction, but[...]
Four Types of Formative Assessment, and the Best Digital Tools to Implement Them
The Four Types of Formative Assessment Before unpacking the various types of formative assessment, we examined a variety of definitions[...]
The Best Formative Assessment Strategies and Formative Assessment Examples To Inspire Your Practice
Formative Assessment Strategies and Formative Assessment Examples To Inspire Your Practice If you're reading this, you're almost certainly itching for[...]
What is Formative Assessment?: The Only Formative Assessment Definition You’ll Ever Need
What Is Formative Assessment? If you’ve found yourself wondering, “What is formative assessment?” -- well, rest assured, you are not[...]